How to Handle His Snake Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty – When it comes to handling his snake Yumi Sin and fit kitty, there’s a delicate balance that must be struck. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of mastering this unique duo, exploring their abilities, synergies, and strategies for dominating the bot lane.

Understanding Yumi Sin’s passive ability, “Wind Wall,” and her ultimate, “Final Hour,” is crucial for maximizing her damage output and survivability. Kitty, on the other hand, provides invaluable support with her ability to attach to Yumi Sin and enhance her attacks.

Introduction to the Characters

Yumi Sin and Kitty are two prominent characters from the popular mobile game, League of Legends: Wild Rift.

Yumi is a magical cat who can attach herself to an allied champion, granting them bonus stats and abilities. Kitty, on the other hand, is a yordle who wields a sword and has a playful and mischievous personality.

Relationship to the Topic

Yumi and Kitty’s relationship is relevant to the topic of how to handle a snake because Yumi’s abilities can be used to support and enhance a champion’s abilities, while Kitty’s playful nature can distract and annoy enemies.

Understanding Yumi Sin’s Abilities

Yumi Sin, the Windcaller of Shurima, possesses a unique blend of abilities that make her a formidable warrior. Her passive, “Wind Wall”, grants her the power to block incoming projectiles, making her highly resistant to ranged attacks.

Tempered Fate

Yumi Sin’s “Tempered Fate” ability allows her to strike with precision, dealing increased damage to enemies who have been recently damaged. This ability synergizes well with her passive, as it allows her to punish enemies who try to engage her with ranged attacks.

Final Hour

Yumi Sin’s ultimate ability, “Final Hour”, is a devastating whirlwind that damages and knocks back enemies. It can be used to initiate fights, peel for teammates, or secure kills. The ability’s damage scales with the number of enemies hit, making it especially effective in team fights.

Understanding Kitty’s Role

Kitty plays a pivotal role in Yumi Sin’s gameplay, providing both offensive and defensive support.

When attached to Yumi Sin, Kitty enhances her attacks, making them more powerful and disruptive. Kitty can also provide healing and shielding, bolstering Yumi Sin’s survivability in the midst of combat.

Kitty’s Attachment

When attached, Kitty can attack independently of Yumi Sin, dealing additional damage to enemies. Her attacks also slow enemies, making them easier for Yumi Sin to hit with her own abilities.

Kitty’s Unattached Form

When unattached, Kitty can move freely around the map, scouting for enemies or providing vision. She can also attach herself to enemy champions, revealing their location and slowing their movement.

Kitty’s versatility allows Yumi Sin to adapt to different situations, whether it’s engaging in team fights, chasing down fleeing enemies, or providing vision control.

Synergies and Combos

Yumi Sin and Kitty possess a unique synergy that allows them to dominate the battlefield. Yumi Sin’s damage-dealing abilities are amplified by Kitty’s healing and support capabilities, creating a formidable duo.

Combo Execution

The key to maximizing the synergy between Yumi Sin and Kitty lies in coordinating their abilities effectively. Yumi Sin’s [Piercing Arrow] can initiate a combo by stunning an enemy. Kitty can then follow up with [Mend] to heal Yumi Sin and increase her attack speed, enhancing her damage output.Another

potent combo involves Yumi Sin’s [Cataclysm]. Kitty can use [Moonstone Blessing] to empower Yumi Sin’s ultimate, increasing its damage and range. This allows Yumi Sin to unleash a devastating attack on multiple enemies.

Specific Combos

  • -*Stun-Heal-Attack

    Yumi Sin’s [Piercing Arrow]

  • > Kitty’s [Mend]
  • > Yumi Sin’s auto-attacks
  • -*Empowered Cataclysm

    Kitty’s [Moonstone Blessing]

  • > Yumi Sin’s [Cataclysm]
  • -*Sustained Damage

    Yumi Sin’s [Piercing Arrow]

  • > Kitty’s [Moonstone Blessing]
  • > Yumi Sin’s [Flurry]

By mastering these combos, players can maximize the synergy between Yumi Sin and Kitty, becoming an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

Itemization and Rune Selection: How To Handle His Snake Yumi Sin And Fit Kitty

Optimizing Yumi Sin’s itemization and rune setup is crucial for maximizing her damage output and survivability. By carefully selecting the right items and runes, players can enhance her abilities and increase her effectiveness in the game.


Yumi Sin’s core item build typically includes items that enhance her damage and provide sustain. Key items to consider are:

  • Infinity Edge: Increases critical strike damage, boosting Yumi Sin’s burst damage.
  • Bloodthirster: Provides lifesteal and attack damage, allowing Yumi Sin to sustain in extended fights.
  • Rapid Firecannon: Extends Yumi Sin’s attack range, making her safer in team fights.

Rune Selection

The optimal rune setup for Yumi Sin revolves around maximizing her damage and critical strike potential. Recommended runes include:

  • Fleet Footwork: Grants attack speed and healing, improving Yumi Sin’s mobility and sustain.
  • Overheal: Provides bonus healing and a shield, increasing Yumi Sin’s survivability.
  • Legend: Bloodline: Grants lifesteal, enhancing Yumi Sin’s sustain in extended fights.

Additional runes to consider include Triumph, Coup de Grace, and Cut Down for increased damage and survivability.

Positioning and Movement

Positioning and movement are crucial for Yumi Sin and Kitty to maximize their impact in team fights. Yumi Sin should position herself behind the frontline, where she can safely cast her abilities without being interrupted. Kitty, on the other hand, should stay close to Yumi Sin, providing her with shields and healing.

Coordinating Movement

Coordinating movement with Kitty is essential for Yumi Sin’s success. Yumi Sin should communicate with Kitty to ensure that she is always within range of her abilities. Kitty should also be aware of Yumi Sin’s positioning and move accordingly to protect her.

At St Louis Mecconline , you can find a comprehensive guide on how to handle your snake, Yumi Sin, and keep your kitty fit. This in-depth article provides detailed instructions and tips to ensure a harmonious relationship between your pets and a healthy lifestyle for your furry friend.

Dealing with Different Enemy Compositions

How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

Yumi Sin and Kitty excel against teams with low mobility and limited crowd control, as they can easily engage and burst down isolated targets. However, they struggle against compositions with heavy crowd control or high burst damage.

To counter enemy crowd control, consider building items like Mercurial Scimitar or Banshee’s Veil on Yumi Sin, and Mikael’s Crucible or Locket of the Iron Solari on Kitty. Against high burst damage, prioritize items like Guardian Angel or Zhonya’s Hourglass to provide survivability.

Countering Tanks and Bruisers, How to handle his snake yumi sin and fit kitty

  • Focus on bursting down the enemy backline while dodging the tanks’ crowd control.
  • Use Kitty’s W and E to peel for Yumi Sin and protect him from enemy divers.
  • Consider building items like Lord Dominik’s Regards or Black Cleaver to penetrate enemy armor.

Countering High Burst Damage

  • Build defensive items like Guardian Angel or Zhonya’s Hourglass to survive enemy burst.
  • Coordinate with Kitty to use her W and E to protect Yumi Sin and mitigate enemy damage.
  • Play cautiously and avoid engaging until you have a clear opportunity to burst down the enemy backline.

Countering High Mobility

  • Prioritize crowd control items like Dead Man’s Plate or Randuin’s Omen to slow down enemy mobility.
  • Use Kitty’s E to interrupt enemy dashes and engage.
  • Stay close to your team to prevent enemies from isolating and bursting you down.

Matchup Specifics

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of Yumi Sin and Kitty in different matchups is crucial for success in the bot lane. Here are some specific matchups to consider:

Against aggressive lane bullies like Draven or Caitlyn, Yumi Sin and Kitty can struggle to survive. Draven’s high burst damage and Caitlyn’s long range make it difficult to engage or trade effectively. It’s important to play defensively, focus on farming, and wait for opportunities to scale into the mid-game.


  • Ashe’s long range and crowd control abilities can make it difficult for Yumi Sin and Kitty to engage.
  • Kitty’s heal and movement speed boost can help Yumi Sin dodge Ashe’s arrows and kite her.
  • Yumi Sin’s ultimate can disable Ashe, allowing Kitty to close the gap and engage.

Advanced Techniques

To enhance Yumi Sin and Kitty’s gameplay, advanced techniques can be employed to gain an advantage in team fights.

For those seeking guidance on handling snakes, “How to Handle His Snake Yumi Sin and Fit Kitty” offers valuable insights. This article, available on St Louis Mecconline , provides practical tips on snake handling, ensuring safety for both the handler and the reptile.

One technique involves utilizing Kitty’s passive ability, “Cuddle,” to heal and shield Yumi Sin. By timing the activation of “Cuddle” strategically, players can mitigate incoming damage and sustain Yumi Sin’s presence in fights.

Baiting and Punishing

Another advanced technique is baiting and punishing. This involves drawing out enemy abilities or resources and then capitalizing on the opportunity to strike back. With Yumi Sin’s mobility and Kitty’s crowd control, players can create situations where they can engage, deal damage, and disengage before the enemy can respond effectively.

Tips for Mastering the Duo

To master the dynamic duo of Yumi Sin and Kitty, players should adhere to specific strategies and avoid common pitfalls. Effective communication and coordination are crucial for seamless execution.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Overextending without Kitty’s protection.
  • Lack of communication leading to mistimed abilities.
  • Poor positioning, exposing Yumi to enemy attacks.
  • Inefficient itemization, hindering damage output and survivability.

Importance of Communication and Coordination

Communication is paramount for the Yumi Sin and Kitty duo. Players should establish clear communication channels to relay information about enemy movements, ability cooldowns, and target prioritization. This enables them to react swiftly and execute coordinated plays.


Mastering the duo of Yumi Sin and Kitty requires effective communication, coordination, and a deep understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. By following the strategies Artikeld in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to dominate the bot lane and lead your team to victory.

FAQ Insights

What are the key abilities to focus on for Yumi Sin?

Yumi Sin’s passive ability, “Wind Wall,” and her ultimate, “Final Hour,” are essential for maximizing her damage output and survivability.

How does Kitty enhance Yumi Sin’s attacks?

Kitty can attach to Yumi Sin, providing her with bonus attack damage and healing.

What are some effective strategies for playing Yumi Sin and Kitty in the bot lane?

Prioritize building items that enhance Yumi Sin’s damage and survivability, such as Infinity Edge and Bloodthirster. Effectively positioning Kitty to maximize her healing and damage output is also crucial.

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About the Author: Jason